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Environmental Products NZ

1103 Opunake Rd, Mahoe 4391
Call us anytime 06 764 6133
Monday - Friday 9am until 5pm, Saturday - Sunday 10am until 4pm

Environmental Products NZ Ltd was developed from the realization that the destruction of our New Zealand native bush and species by the population explosion of the introduced Australian opossum, could only be significantly reduced by creating a perceived value once more, in opossum fur.

This would create an inducement for hunters to once more hunt the opossum in the knowledge that their actions would be economically rewarded.

As the opossum has no other natural predators in New Zealand we have developed these products using the opossum, so that the funding for ground based hunters to do the job, will be available.

Current estimates range from 30 million opossums and this resource could clearly employ large numbers of unemployed and of course, supply to the world a uniquely New Zealand product which is original, environmentally friendly, fashionable and practical to wear.

Utilising the opossum as a valuable resource is the positive solution for solving this environmental catastrophe.

Help us help the threatened native species and bush by encouraging the demand and value of possum skins by wearing possum products and understanding that such actions are environmentally friendly.

1103 Opunake Rd, Mahoe 4391

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